
Timisoara shopping spree

Timisoara shopping spree 2560 1707 ROMANIA PROPERTY CLUB

The modern retail stock in Timisoara remained stable in the past 12 months, given that the city has one of the highest retail densities nationwide and also reflecting investors’ and retailers’ trust in the long-term economic strength.

Prime rents for shopping center peaked at 55 EUR/ sq m, whereas retail parks rents ranged between 9 to 14 EUR/sq m, marking the city’s high cost for suitable development land.

Following the inauguration of Ikea from 2023 (first expansion outside Bucharest), in 2024 Primark enhanced the city’s attractiveness.

The retailer confirmed Timisoara’s robust and growing economy, by choosing the city as the second destination in Romania and executing a 10 million EUR investment. The tenant that generates high traffic due to its business model set grounds in one of the city’s most appealing shopping destinations – Iulius Town. An impressive mixed-use development, the town’s go-to destination in terms of enjoying modern amenities, Iulius Town represents a key meeting point in the city, due to the synergies generated by the compound. Thousands of white-collar workers are served 5 days a week through the 80,000 sqm office component and convention center, whereas, during the weekends locals enjoy the perks offered by outdoor meeting spaces created by Iulius Gardens. 102,000 sq m of shopping space, the second largest after Bucharest, responds to the needs of all residents and the nearby border population (Serbia, Hungary). In addition to the well-designed service point for the city, a clever asset management team keeps the community engaged through events such as the Street Food Festival, Leisure Sports Festival, racing, and influencer campaigns.

“For Iulius Town, this year was very good, both in terms of new retailers, but especially in terms of the two relevant parameters in the industry, sales and traffic, increasing compared to 2023. We are also happy that, together with the major inaugurations of this year, as was Primark, in August, with the first store outside Bucharest, and Lefties of the Inditex Group, which will open, this autumn, the second Digital Store in Romania, Iulius Town has become the only shopping center that includes all the major fashion anchors present on the market in our country.”

“In recent years, our major concern has been to generate as many experiences as possible for the millions of customers who choose us. Now, we can say that we have a complete shopping center: the largest number of HORECA units and the largest food court in Romania, the best mix of sports shops, the largest diversity of experience and edutainment destinations – park, playground, cinema, fitness center, kindergarten and primary school -, and a medical hub with ultra-specialized services,” said Cristina Brătuianu, Development & Operational Retail Leasing Specialist, IULIUS

Shopping City Timisoara, the other large retail scheme in town, is spanning over 70,000 sq m GLA. The project was designed around complementary shopping needs (brought along a Dedeman big-box) and serves a large catchment area on the west and south sides of the city.

Increased residential development in recent years has created new opportunities for proximity retail formats: 40,000 sqm are under construction with delivery dates up to the end of 2025.

Esquire Commercial Timisoara, Strip Mall -Calea Torontalului 4,200 Q4 2025
Calea Torontalului Retail Park 4,495 Q2 2025
Prima Shops Lugoj 12,000 Q3 2025
Retail Park Sanandrei 9,000 Q4 2025
Max Village Sacalaz 9,000 Q4 2025
Centrul Comercial Cetatii Timisoara 2,500 Q4 2024

Source: Hitch & Mosher

The increase in average wages, coupled with a lower housing cost than the other regional poles, leads to a more generous disposable income that powers the retail space.

Local office market registers slowdown

Local office market registers slowdown 720 480 ROMANIA PROPERTY CLUB

The office market in Timisoara registered a slower pace, in line with the regional office markets across Romania for the past few years.

The local modern stock amounts to approximately 300,000 sqm, with headline rents ranging between 13.5-15 EUR/sqm/month.

During H1 2024, the total market activity amounted to 5,000 sq m, half of last year’s total market activity. This is significantly lower than the traditional ~30,000 sqm / year leasing volume in Timisoara. While Cluj fared better during this particular year, with close to 30,000 sqm let, if we analyze the main office markets outside Bucharest (Cluj, Iasi, Timisoara, Brasov) for the past 3-4 years, we will notice an overall slowdown.

If in Bucharest the leasing pace is strong, even accounting for the downsizing and renegotiation trends. The regional cities had a different dynamic in the past three years. The reasons are multiple:

  • Switch in working patterns – hybrid/work from home allowed for employment across the country, with fewer reasons to secure regional hubs; that being said, companies still need a meeting and training point.
  • Recruitment challenges: while in some cities challenges are represented by strong competition among employers that would drive salaries up in margin-focused businesses (strong presence in Iasi and Timisoara), others are more fundamentals – meaning difficulty in recruiting for the right technical skills. Timisoara’s authorities’ efforts to improve student housing, lifestyle appeal to youth, and increase net wages are crucial to the economic future of the city.

“The first half of this year was challenging; the office market being influenced by the macro-level evolution of the economy. However, the IULIUS company has a solid portfolio of partners, which has grown organically, and fluctuations in our network of office buildings have been minimal, managing to maintain a 100% occupancy rate. Particularly for this year, requests came from the medical sector. “

“We have succeeded in consolidating a unique specialized medical hub in the Iulius Town mixed-use project. The integration of medical operators required compliance with specific requirements much more complex than those of an ordinary tenant, because we are talking about spaces that must meet certain rigors. We are extremely satisfied that we managed, together with our tenants, to integrate all requests and have, today, an extended range of such services”, said Laurențiu Manea, Office Buildings Manager, Iulius Town Timisoara

Benchmarked against Iasi, one of the meaningful regional office markets, with 0 Class A square meters left during the first six months of the year – Timisoara performed by accounting for 15% of the office demand outside the capital city. The vacancy rate for the local market was maintained at around 14.5%. Besides the office component from Iulius Town, another important development is AFI Park Timisoara, a legacy project owned by AFI Europe.

New infrastructure updates create logistics opportunities

New infrastructure updates create logistics opportunities 2560 1440 ROMANIA PROPERTY CLUB

In Q4 2024, the new 25 km South Belt Motorway is estimated to be finalized. The final part of the Timisoara motorway, the 14 km West Belt, shall break ground soon, as the bidding process for a constructor has been completed. The motorway is an important plug for the recently approved 3bn EUR A9 highway, connecting Timisoara to Moravita. A9 will increase the flow of goods and commercial exchange between Romania and Serbia. Another important development is the approval of opening a new border control point at Beba Veche, to decongest Nadlac.

The industrial market in Timisoara is steadily growing, with a modern stock of 742,300 sqm, representing 10.5% of Romania’s total volume of Class A/B+ warehousing capacity. While the vacancy rate slightly increased to 8.2% (vs 6.8%), the second largest industrial hub in the country registers solid market activity, with approx. 60,000 sq m let in H1 2024, 15% of the overall market take-up. Considering the leasing pace, the c.a. 60,000 sq m available and the 66,500 sqm under construction, should sustainably be absorbed by the market promptly. Prime asking rent-stabilized at 4.3 EUR/sqm, with tenants such as Hexing Technologies Europe confirming the region’s strategic location.

One of the key developments during the past year is the consolidation of CTP Park’s presence in Timisoara, following Globalworth’s exit from its industrial portfolio.

VGP is also growing its footprint in Timisoara, through a new 33,000 sq m warehouse under development. The investor secured a blue chip anchor tenant – Continental Tyres, for 20,000 sqm. VGP Park Timisoara is strategically located near the airport, making it an important logistics and industrial hub. The park already hosts seven completed buildings, serving clients across various sectors including transportation, logistics, courier services, automotive manufacturing and electronics. Spanning a land area of 349,098 sqm VGP Park Timisoara offers a total leasable area of 178,861 sqm, with 10,728 sqm currently available for new tenants. The park provides flexible expansion options, modern and innovative facilities, comprehensive support services, cost-efficient operations, and access to a skilled workforce.

Artemis Romania, a Swiss family office owning circa 170ha in strategic locations across Timis, delivered a 10,000 sq m unit for Mondo Style. Other new names that have accessed the Timisoara production market in the past 12 months include Syntronic and Topband.

Located along the Pan-European Corridor IV, which connects Germany and Turkey, Timisoara has access to the Pan-European Corridor VII due to the Bega Canal. The West Region of Romania is the second largest, following Bucharest Ilfov, with a stock of over 1 million sqm modern industrial & logistic spaces.

The progress registered by the infrastructure updates will most certainly unlock new development opportunities in the medium and long term. Industrial & logistics developers might access more affordable land plots and talent pools along the new infrastructure lines, with a value proposition of timely delivery of goods to Western Europe.

2024 Timisoara hotel market trends

2024 Timisoara hotel market trends 2560 1669 ROMANIA PROPERTY CLUB

Despite numerous initiatives such as the European Cultural Capital and follow-up events, the Timisoara tourism market is still under the pre-pandemic figures. Those figures reflect a low pace of development for the hotel market.

In the last 11 years, the Timisoara hotel market grew by only 12%. The highest increase of 19% is in the “4-star” category, according to the data from Est Hospitality. The total number of hotel rooms for the local market is 2,170.

Branded hotels represent just 17.7% of the market. With one exception – Ibis – the other three units are rather boutique hotels, with less than 85 rooms.

Regarding tourists’ arrivals, the statistics show that for the first semester of 2024, Timisoara is 16% below the same period from 2019 and around 5% below the same period from the previous year. The total number of tourists arrivals for the first six months stands under 100,000 people. In 2019 the total number of tourists’ arrivals was 250,054, while in 2023 it reached 233,289.

However, the branded hotel pipeline looks good for the next four years, mainly due to the pronounced lack of offers. There are five hotel-branded projects in the pipeline, with a total number of 600 rooms, which represents a growth of 18% for the Timisoara hotel market. 2024 will mark the opening of the first 5-star branded hotel in Timisoara.

“Although there is a strong investment confidence in the market, with 600 new rooms announced for the next 4 years, we do not see a positive trend in tourist’s arrivals in Timisoara. A demand driver could be the development of ”Traian Vuia” international airport, which might add new connections with other European destinations and bring additional tourists in Timisoara,” said Mircea Draghici, Managing Partner, Est Hospitality.

Positive Perspectives for Timisoara – Economic overview

Positive Perspectives for Timisoara – Economic overview 2560 1440 ROMANIA PROPERTY CLUB

Timisoara was under the limelight in 2023 as the European Capital of Culture. The program received investments of circa 43 million EUR, 90% of funds provided by public sources. The presence of acclaimed Nobel Prize winners, among which Orhan Pamuk, Nadia Murad, and Eric Stark, and exceptional exhibitions of artists such as Constantin Brancusi, and Victor Brauner brought visibility in the Time Magazine, New York Times, Le Monde, El Pais, and RAI UNO.

The thrilling success of the European Capital of Culture events generated investments in cultural infrastructure – new events space, social and educational centers in various neighborhoods, and two rehabilitated cinema multiplexes. Presently, the authorities are allocating new funds for follow-up events through the Timisoara. Next program, to consolidate the enthusiasm generated in 2023. Moreover, the County Council took the lead by applying to other events that might offer international exposure, such as the 2028 European Gastronomic Region status.

In addition to cultural investments, important steps were completed in transportation, educational, sports, and healthcare infrastructure.

In March, authorities opened a brand new 40 million EUR international airport terminal, with a capacity of up to 1,000 passengers per hour. In Q4 2024, the new 25 km South Belt Motorway shall be finalized; this new road will decongest city-wide traffic. The final part of the Timisoara motorway, the 14 km West Belt, shall break ground soon, as the bidding process for a constructor was completed. The motorway is an important plug for the recently approved 3bn EUR A9 highway, connecting Timisoara to Moravita. A9 will increase the flow of goods and commercial exchange between Romania and Serbia. Another important development is the approval of opening a new border control point at Beba Veche, to decongest Nadlac.

In terms of modern healthcare facilities, the public administration started the official bidding process for building the 230 million EUR Regional Oncological Hospital, which should open in the next three years. This tops investments already finalized or under advanced construction: a new emergency unit for the county hospital, 65 million EUR burn unit, 20 million EUR new maternity building, a children’s hospital building, and a new spa clinic.

Education and a qualitative student pool are key economic pillars that appeal to major corporations considering maintaining or extending their stay in Timis. Thus, the upcoming private and public investments in educational facilities shall consolidate the regional leader status of Timisoara. Authorities allocated more than 20milEUR to modern student housing revamping or building from the ground up. The British International School of Timisoara is increasing its capacity with up to 1,000 seats through a new building on its campus. These modernization efforts should help Timisoara appeal to students, as the registration numbers slightly decreased over the years, in favor of Cluj and Iasi.

In terms of sports and leisure, a 180 million EUR investment in a 30,000-seat stadium (the second largest in the country) began the bidding process, in parallel with the demolition of the existing run-down facility.

The strong economy in Timis not only kept the unemployment rate under 1% but also generated an average net wage of c.a. 1,200 EUR – the second biggest in the country (after Bucharest). The wage increase and the lower housing costs by comparison to all of the other main poles (Cluj, Bucharest, Iasi, Brasov) should make the city more appealing to the young and mobile segment of the population.

Hexing invests in 8,000 sqm facility in Timisoara

Hexing invests in 8,000 sqm facility in Timisoara 2560 1706 ROMANIA PROPERTY CLUB


Hexing invests in 8,000 sqm facility generating over 100 high value jobs in Timisoara, at Globalworth Timisoara Industrial Park I, assisted by CBRE.

The new facility of Hexing Technologies Europe SRL, a subsidiary of the Hexing Group and a leading green energy solution provider, set within the thriving Timisoara Airport Park, will serve as a hub of innovation, extending Hexing’s digital energy service footprint across Europe. As part of Hexing’s long-term vision to build a greener world, the state-of-the-art facility will serve as a center of excellence to produce advanced smart metering solutions, including intelligent electricity and water metering systems, distribution automation solutions, solar inverters, batteries, and electric vehicle chargers.

Timisoara I Industrial Park is strategically located near the international airport, and offers high-tech buildings for manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics operations. The park is part of the recent transaction between Globalworth and CTP, in which CTP bought the logistic portfolio of Globalworth from Timisoara, Arad, Oradea and Pitesti.

“Timis is probably the most sought-after market by energy players, who have reached a level of maturity which requires already production facilities, not just energy land” explained Mădălin Aresmerițoaie, Senior Consultant Industrial & Logistics Services, responsible for the West/North-West market at CBRE Romania. “The Manufacturing sector is growing, returning to the pre-pandemic trend which is a sign of Romania’s health – in 2023 we recorded 18% of total leasing activity. We are pleased that we have designed the best scenario for Hexing, helping them to identify the optimal location both in terms of current scale and expected growth in the coming years.”

The establishment of this facility aligns with the Romanian regulator ANRE’s 2019-2028 smart meter development directive, further emphasizing Hexing’s contribution to the advancement of Smart Grid 2.0. This strategic initiative underscores Hexing Europe’s commitment to becoming a leading local manufacturer within the European Union while fostering technological innovation in the region. The facility’s advanced manufacturing capabilities will ensure shorter delivery times, catering to the demands of both the local market and beyond.

Through the establishment of this facility, Hexing Europe will forge a close partnership with local partners. This collaboration will enable Hexing Technologies Europe SRL to provide enhanced pre-sales and after-sales support, contributing to the seamless integration solutions in Romania and other European Union countries. Furthermore, the facility’s advanced manufacturing capabilities will ensure shorter delivery times, catering to the demands of both the local market and beyond.

Largest regional logistics hub gathering 1.7 mln. modern sq m, the Western / North-Western sub-market accommodates through important cities such as Timisoara and Cluj-Napoca both developers and tenants internationally renowned, enjoying country’s western border proximity. Skilled labour force and the gate to Western Europe, makes the West / North-West area the most sought after regional sub-market by developers and investors.

Timis county claims the largest share of modern industrial stock region wise and hosts numerous production, logistics and storage facilities where developers capitalize on the synergy created by the strategic location, infrastructure, and skilled workforce and 87% of the modern stock is class A. Also, the West / North West part of the country is set to be the largest recipient of the future new supply, respectively 45%, followed by Bucharest with 32% and East / North East region with 14% from the total.




Timisoara logistics pipeline: 40,000 square meters

Timisoara logistics pipeline: 40,000 square meters 1440 1080 ROMANIA PROPERTY CLUB


 Timisoara is the second most developed industrial & logistics market outside Bucharest, with a total modern stock of 733,000 sqm (c.a. 11%) and more than 40,000 sqm under development. Its outstanding proximity to Western Europe, the border, and plug into the TEN-T infrastructure made Timisoara the go-to hub for manufacturing and logistics. 

VGP, Timisoara

In terms of production, the most developed sectors are computers, electronics & optical equipment, automotive, electrical equipment, rubber & plastics. Global industry giants set foot and subsequently expanded in Timisoara. Continental, TRW Automotive, Hella, Draexlmaier, TE Connectivity, Kimball, and Flextronics are just a few select names that contributed to one of Romania’s strongest production hubs.

The total leasing activity for the first half of 2023 amounts to 88,000 sqm, leading to a vacancy rate of 6.8%. A market equilibrium is considered when the vacancy rate reaches 8%; below this threshold, the market is considered to be a landlord’s market. The status quo is reflected in the rise of headline rents to 4.25 EUR/sqm and the continuous plans for the development of established professional developers. The region concentrates on the operations of the four strongest industrial & logistics investors and developers. CTP, WDP, VGP, and Globalworth have extensive footprints in Timis. The first three companies rely on the economies of scale, network effects, and relative value provided by their extensive pan-European presence and ability to serve a variety of client needs. 

CEE-focused investor, Globalworth, seized the opportunity to serve some of the world’s most reputable companies in consumer goods, automotive, electrical equipment, and logistics. Encompassing 58 ha, Timisoara I&II industrial parks span over 132,000 sqm of existing GLA and offer 185,000 sqm for built-to-suit requirements. Global Vision also acted as a general contractor and asset manager for the Continental site.

VGP owns 35 ha in Timisoara, with a total built capacity of up to 180,000 sqm. Presently, it hosts retailers, distribution, and logistics operators due to its strategic location. VGP Park Timișoara, although currently fully leased, still has expansion possibilities.

WDP invested in two sites totalling c.a 22 ha and 156,000 sqm GLA in the proximity of the A1 highway and Traian Vuia International Airport. Blue chip tenants in retail, consumer goods, and logistics thrive in the spaces managed by the Belgian operator.

CTP owns almost a third of the total modern stock in Timisoara – 220,000 sqm. The three industrial parks (Ghiroda, Sud, Vest) are built over more than 34 ha and offer development opportunities for more than 200,000 sqm subject to tenant demand. Major transportation, logistics, distribution, and courier services occupy large areas within the CTP Timisoara business parks.

Other notable industrial & logistics investors and developers in Timis include Logicor, Artemis, and Transilvania Constructii. The local authorities are prepared to bid for international clients as well. The 60-ha Freidorf Industrial Park is split into various parcels with all the utilities on site and can be concessioned for up to 49 years, with an extension option. It is important to note that companies can benefit from tax abatements subject to a transparent scale tied to the total investment amount and headcounts. In addition, any green buildings benefit from further property tax reductions.

Timisoara is not only a strong manufacturing base for global giants or a key point on the map for pan-European investors and developers. It is also a strong entrepreneurial hub. The inherent know-how transfer from international investors, a niche of opportunities to serve global clients with a core business model, and the entrepreneurial worldview set the base for strong local transportation, distribution, auto, and IT production companies.

Timisoara is set to maintain its steady course and potentially expand its service sector, as this avenue is fully supported by an educated workforce and a critical mass of capital.

Timisoara: one of the highest retail densities in the country 

Timisoara: one of the highest retail densities in the country  1600 899 ROMANIA PROPERTY CLUB


The modern retail stock in Timisoara is well developed, registering one of the highest retail densities in the country (1,055 sqm per 1,000 inhabitants), reflecting investors’ and retailer’s trust in the long-term economic strength and resilience.

Iulius Mall, Timisoara

The investors’ focus on this city determines a dynamic land market. Data from local consultancy company Hitch & Mosher show that prices for permitted plots vary between 35-60 Euro/sqm for logistics developments, 113-350 Euro/sqm for retail developments and 155 up to 1,490 Euro/sqm for residential and mixed-use schemes.

The 265,000 sqm total stock consists of approximately two-thirds modern shopping centers and a third is reserved for commercial galleries and retail parks. The two dominant schemes are Iulius Town and Shopping City Timisoara, built by two of the most experienced retail developers (Iulius Group and Nepi Rockcastle, respectively).

The first modern mall was delivered by Iulius Group in 2005, as part of the integrated mixed-use development of Iulius Town, a 220 mil EUR investment. In addition to the office component, United Business Center, the scheme features a large exhibition & events center offering up to 2,250 seats for corporate set-ups and a fitness & wellness center managed by the country’s most experienced operator – World Class.

Iulius Mall, the first modern shopping center in the city benefited from an extension in 2019, reaching 102,000 sqm, making it the largest shopping area outside of Bucharest. It hosts the most representative retailers, such as Peek & Cloppenburg, iStyle (Apple partner), Calvin Klein Jeans, Inditex Group (Zara, Stradivarius, Pull & Bear), Guess, H&M, C&A. Cinema City operates a modern 12-room movie theatre.

Nepi Rockcastle inaugurated a 90 mil EUR new development at the end of 2015. More than 70,000 sq m GLA are occupied by Peek & Cloppenburg, Sephora, Levi’s, US Polo Assn, Inditex Group (Zara, Stradivarius, Pull & Bear), Reserved, Intersport, C&A, H&M, and other service, fashion, and food & beverages operators, as well as a Cinema City. In addition, the scheme is completed by a 10,000 sq m Carrefour supermarket and a 16,000 sqm Dedeman DYI that provide a complete shopping destination.

IKEA is one of the most prominent retailers that expressed trust in Timisoara by opening earlier this year its third store in Romania, the first outside the capital city. The 60 mil EUR investment covering more than 26,000 sqm is a BREEAM-certified big-box. The store serves both Timisoara and the wider West region – the most dynamic outside Bucharest-Ilfov. 

Smaller commercial galleries address a wide pallet of the city’s shopping needs. From legacy (Bega Shopping Center department store) to newly built (Sud Plaza) cost-efficiency retailers serve the needs of a wide spectrum of budgets and price-quality ratios. Scallier, through its FunShop brand, serves the city through two 11,000 sqm units, out of which one took over from Prima Shops. Both units are anchored by discounters (Kaufland, Penny, and Lidl).

While the relatively high retail density doesn’t make new developments likely for the foreseeable future, it is important to note that the existing retail schemes not only serve Timisoara Timis and neighbouring counties. Hungarians and Serbs often cross the border to find items and retailers which are not present in their area. Therefore, the real catchment area is larger than the official 320,000; thus, the real retail density is more sustainable and in line with other regional poles.

Skilled workforce attracts and retain big employers in Timisoara, the city becoming Romania’s third office market

Skilled workforce attracts and retain big employers in Timisoara, the city becoming Romania’s third office market 1684 1080 ROMANIA PROPERTY CLUB


Relative to population and student migration patterns, Timisoara enjoys a right-sized stock of modern offices amounting to 300,000 sqm, with an expected pipeline of at least 24,000 sqm. The vacancy rate rose close to 15%, similar to Bucharest.

Iulius Town, Timisoara

Headline rents for class A offices range from 14.0 to 15.5 EUR/sqm/month. During 2022, Timisoara registered the strongest office demand outside Bucharest (more than 50,000 sqm). However, during the first half of 2023, the demand was modest, in line with Q1 2023 in the capital city. The slowdown does not discourage existing or new schemes to develop during the next 18 months.

IULIUS TOWN Timisoara is the city’s main urban regeneration mixed-use scheme that Iulius Group rolled over Romania’s most important regional poles. The project is a large integrated retail–office development. United Business Center, the office component, offers more than 80,000 sqm of modern LEED Certified class A infrastructure to numerous tenants in the IT&C and automotive sectors. The impressive roster of blue-chip tenants features Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, Endava, Bitdefender, Intel, Atos, Ness Digital, Cognizant, Autoliv, NTT Data, Visma Software, and many other reputable companies. The benefits offered by the city’s dominant retail scheme, along with medical educational and leisure facilities within walking distance made the case for employers looking to attract talent.

The first landmark modern office development in Timisoara is the City Business Center, presently named AFI Park Timisoara. Totaling 48,000 sqm over 5 buildings with modular floor plates, the property is home to reputable technology and support centers of multinational companies such as Wipro, Accenture, SAP, Hella, etc.  Facilities such as retail areas, a sky bar with a panoramic view, and a 5’ walking distance of the old city contributed to the resilience of the scheme that delivered its first building in 2006 and the last in 2015. The most notable fact about the property is that it is the only large commercial building sold twice in the city. NEPI Rockcastle purchased the project from local developer Mulberry Development and later sold it to AFI Europe.

Mulberry Development invested the proceeds into a mixed-use multi-phased project, called ISHO. The scheme includes a residential and a hotel (future Radisson Blu) component, a 700-spot multi-story parking, and a three-phased integrated office development spanning over 50,000 sqm of class A offices. Large occupiers such as Bosch Service Solutions, Visteon, Canon, SSI, Regina Maria, Deloitte, and KPMG chose ISHO as their operating base in the region.

In terms of future deliveries, it is important to flag that one of the established developers in Bucharest extended its presence in Cluj and Timisoara. Speedwell is developing a mixed residential–office scheme located on the former Paltim factory. Ultra-centrally located, overlooking Bega River, the 16,000 sqm of brand-new offices and old villa reconversion are expected on the market by the end of 2024. The developer announced earlier this year it has acquired 24,000 sqm of land, the former 1 iunie textile factory, where it intends to build a multi-purpose scheme – residential, offices and retail.

One of the items that commercial developers should account for in Timisoara is the generous centrally located landbank, as 25% of the city’s area is still unbuilt, according to the City Hall. While this might seem attractive as it allows for competitive land acquisition, it is important to pace development and carefully plan an exit. The low unemployment rate, the variable number of students, and their desire to live in the city postgraduation are to be accounted for when planning an investment, due to the possibility of competitive schemes that can benefit from a good location.

Strong fundamentals for a new development stage of Timisoara

Strong fundamentals for a new development stage of Timisoara 1620 1080 ROMANIA PROPERTY CLUB


With a strategic location offering access to pan-European road infrastructure and a skilled educated workforce, doubled by efforts of local authorities both in terms of infrastructure projects and cultural programs, Timisoara catches the eye of both institutional and local real estate investors.

Cathedral, Timisoara

The investors’ focus on this city determines a dynamic land market. Data from local consultancy company Hitch & Mosher show that prices for permitted plots vary between 35-60 Euro/sqm for logistics developments, 113-350 Euro/sqm for retail developments and 155 up to 1,490 Euro/sqm for residential and mixed-use schemes.

Timisoara represents Romania’s third office market, following Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca. Some big occupiers such as Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, Wipro, Hella or Accenture established offices locally. The modern office stock amounts for 300,000 sqm with another 24,000 sqm in the pipeline.

Residential sector was affected by the same turbulences which impacted the national housing market in 2023. While demand for residential for sale is lowering, residential for rent is seeing a noticeable increase. Data from imobiliare.ro shows an increase in demand of 44% in the last two years for rented apartments.

The city enjoys one the highest retail densities from Romania with a ratio of 1,055 sqm per 1,000 inhabitants. The total modern stock amounts to approx. 265,000 sqm with some significant projects. Iulius owns here a 102,000 sqm development, the largest shopping area outside of Bucharest.

Timisoara is the second most developed industrial & logistics market outside of Bucharest, with a moder stock of 733,000 sqm and more than 40,000 sqm under development. All major players are present locally: VGP, Globalworth, CTP and WDP.

Hotel sector is one of the most under-developed, with only 331 rooms built during the last ten years. “Timisoara European Capital of Culture 2023” is expected to bring future opportunities. In this respect, four new 4* & 5* branded hotels, totalling 416 rooms, are under development with delivery dates between 2025 – 2026.

Under those circumstances, Timisoara remains one of the strongest real estate hubs outside Bucharest, set to enter a new development phase.